======= 👸 BELA ======= BELA (BLIP ELAN Language Annotation) is a pathway for creating and analysing multi-lingual transcripts using `BELA convention `_ and `ELAN software `_. Getting started =============== BELA is available on `PyPI `_ and can be installed using pip: .. code-block:: bash pip install bela Sample code =========== The following code snippet reads a BELA transcript and prints out all participants and their utterances & chunks. .. code:: python import bela b2 = bela.read_eaf("my_bela_filename.eaf") for person in b2.persons: print(person.name, person.code) for u in person.utterances: print(u, u.from_ts, u.to_ts, u.duration) if u.translation: print(u.translation) for c in u.chunks: print(f" - {c} [{c.language}]") .. toctree:: :maxdepth: 2 :caption: Useful Links tutorials api changelog Indices and tables ================== * :ref:`genindex` * :ref:`modindex` * :ref:`search`