Source code for bela.bela1

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

# This code is a part of BELA package:
# :developer: Le Tuan Anh <>
# :license: MIT, see LICENSE for more details.

BELA version 1.x convention

from collections import defaultdict as dd
from collections import OrderedDict

from chirptext import chio
from chirptext.anhxa import DataObject
from speach.ttlig import IGRow
from speach.elan import parse_eaf_stream
from speach.vtt import sec2ts

from .common import TIER_PARSER
from .common import UTTERANCE_GAP_THRESHOLD
from .common import KNOWN_LANGUAGES
from .common import LanguageMix

class Transcript(DataObject):
    Represent a transcript of a recording, mainly constructed from CSV data)

    def __init__(self):
        self.__sents = []  # utterances sorted by starting time
        self.__tiers = dd(list)

    def insert(self, text, tsfrom, tsto=None, tsduration=None, tier=None, **kwargs):
        ''' Add an annotation chunk to a tier '''
        ig = IGRow(text=text, tsfrom=float(tsfrom), **kwargs)
        if tsto is not None:
            ig.tsto = float(tsto)
            if tsduration is not None:
                expected = round(ig.tsduration, 3)
                if expected != round(float(tsduration), 3):
                    raise ValueError("Inconsistent values for tsfrom ({}), tsto ({}), and tsduration ({}). Expected tsduration=({})".format(tsfrom, tsto, tsduration, expected))
        elif tsduration is not None:
            ig.tsto = ig.tsfrom + float(tsduration)
        if tier is not None:
            ig.tier = tier

    def tier_names(self):
        return tuple(self.__tiers.keys())

    def tier(self, tier_name):
        return self.__tiers[tier_name] if tier_name in self.__tiers else None

    def __len__(self):
        return len(self.__sents)

    def __getitem__(self, idx):
        return self.__sents[idx]

    def sort(self):
        ''' Sort all utterances '''
        self.__sents.sort(key=lambda sent: (sent.tsfrom, sent.tsto))
        for tier in self.__tiers.values():
            tier.sort(key=lambda sent: (sent.tsfrom, sent.tsto))
        return self.__sents

    def tag_language(self, utterance_tier_name, language_tier_name, default_value=''):
        ''' Use text value from language_tier as language to tag utterances
            default_value -- Default language value (defaulted to an empty string)
        utterance_tier = self.__tiers[utterance_tier_name]
        language_tier = self.__tiers[language_tier_name]
        for u in utterance_tier:
            candidates = []
            for l in language_tier:
                score = u.overlap(l)
                if score > 0:
                    candidates.append((score, l))
                if l.tsfrom > u.tsto:
            if candidates:
                u.language = max(candidates, key=lambda x: x[0])[1].text.strip()  # .replace(':', '__')
            elif not u.language:
                u.language = default_value
        return utterance_tier

    def join_utterances(self, tier_name=None, tier_class=None):
        ''' Group adjecent utterances together. Return a list of joined utterance lists '''
        _timeline = self.__sents if tier_name is None else self.__tiers[tier_name]
        _utterances = []
        _current = []  # current group
        for idx, s in enumerate(_timeline):
            if tier_class and s.tier_class != tier_class:
            if idx == 0:
            elif s.speaker == _timeline[idx - 1].speaker and abs(s.tsfrom - _timeline[idx - 1].tsto) < UTTERANCE_GAP_THRESHOLD:
                # flush
                if _current:
                _current = [s]
        if _current:
        return _utterances

    def from_rows(rows):
        ''' create a Transcript object from CSV rows (list of list) '''
        transcript = Transcript()
        for row in rows:
            if len(row) == 5:
                tier, start_sec, end_sec, dur_sec, text = row
                transcript.insert(text, start_sec, tsto=end_sec, tsduration=dur_sec, tier=tier)
            elif len(row) == 6:
                tier, speaker, start_sec, end_sec, dur_sec, text = row
                transcript.insert(text, start_sec, tsto=end_sec, tsduration=dur_sec, tier=tier, speaker=speaker)
                getLogger().warning(f"Invalid line {row}")
        return transcript

    def read_tsv(file_path, *args, **kwargs):
        return Transcript.from_rows(chio.read_tsv_iter(file_path, *args, **kwargs))

[docs]class Bela1: ''' This class represent BELA convention version 1''' def __init__(self): """ All information about an ELAN transcript """ self.persons = set() # all persons in this transcript self.person_code_map = dd(set) # a list of all associated codes of this person self.person_duration = dd(float) self.person_languages = dd(lambda: dd(float)) self.person_utterances = dd(list) self.language_duration = dd(float) self.person_warnings = dd(set) self.tiers = set() # all tiers in this transcript self.person_tiers = dd(set) self.weird_names = set() # detect weird tier names self.tokens = set() self.words = set() self.languages = set() self.others = set() self.sents = [] self.csw = None # all CSV rows as IGRow self.filepath = None def sorted_person_tiers(self): d = dict() for k in sorted(self.person_tiers.keys()): d[k] = sorted(self.person_tiers[k]) return d def code_person_map(self): cp_map = OrderedDict() for p, codes in self.person_code_map.items(): for c in codes: if c in cp_map: raise Exception(f"Duplicated code {c} for person {p} -- All: {codes}") else: cp_map[c] = p return cp_map def sort_languages(self, languages=None): if languages is None: languages = self.languages return sorted(languages, key=lambda i: (i not in KNOWN_LANGUAGES, i != 'Red Dot', i)) def to_dict(self): people = [] for person in sorted(self.persons): person_languages = [(lang, round(duration, 2)) for lang, duration in self.person_languages[person].items()] person_languages.sort(key=lambda x: x[1]) person_languages.reverse() person_dict = {'name': person, 'code': list(self.person_code_map[person]), 'duration': round(self.person_duration[person], 2), 'languages': person_languages, 'tiers': list(self.person_tiers[person]), 'utterance_count': len(self.person_utterances[person])} people.append(person_dict) return { 'languages': [(l, round(self.language_duration[l], 2)) for l in self.sort_languages()], 'people': people }
[docs] def to_language_mix(self, to_ts=None, auto_compute=True): ''' Collapse utterances to generate a language mix timeline ''' langmix = LanguageMix() for _person_name, _utterances in self.person_utterances.items(): for u in _utterances: if u.chunks is not None: for c in u.chunks: if c.tsfrom and c.tsto: if to_ts is not None and c.tsto > to_ts: continue else: # getLogger().debug(f"{c.ID} -- {c.value} [{c.from_ts.value} - {c.to_ts.value}] | {c.language}") c.duration = c.tsduration langmix.add(c) elif u.tsfrom and u.tsto: u.duration = u.tsduration langmix.add(u) return langmix.compute() if auto_compute else langmix
[docs] @staticmethod def read(filepath, autotag=True): ''' Read ELAN csv file ''' _transcript = Bela1() _transcript.filepath = filepath _transcript.csw = Transcript.read_tsv(filepath) return Bela1.process_transcript(_transcript, autotag=autotag)
@staticmethod def read_eaf(eaf_path): elan = parse_eaf_stream(eaf_path) return Bela1.from_elan(elan, eaf_path) @staticmethod def from_elan(elan, eaf_path=":memory:"): elanplus = Bela1.parse_rows(elan.to_csv_rows(), filepath=eaf_path) elanplus.elan = elan # store pointer to ELAN object return elanplus @staticmethod def parse_rows(rows, autotag=True, filepath=':memory:'): _transcript = Bela1() _transcript.filepath = filepath _transcript.csw = Transcript.from_rows(rows) return Bela1.process_transcript(_transcript, autotag=autotag) @staticmethod def process_transcript(_transcript, autotag=True): for name in _transcript.csw.tier_names(): m = TIER_PARSER.match(name) if m: person ='person') tier ='tier') _transcript.persons.add(person) _transcript.tiers.add(tier) elif name in ("ActivityMarkers"): pass else: _transcript.weird_names.add(name) # auto tag languages if autotag: tier_names = _transcript.csw.tier_names() for person in _transcript.persons: utterance_tier = "{} (Utterance)".format(person) language_tier = "{} (Language)".format(person) if utterance_tier in tier_names and language_tier in tier_names: _transcript.csw.tag_language(utterance_tier, language_tier, "#!#?") # extract corpus for sent in _transcript.csw: m = TIER_PARSER.match(sent.tier) _person_name = None tsduration = sent.tsduration if m: _person_name ='person') sent.speaker_name = _person_name _transcript.person_tiers[_person_name].add('tier')) sent.tier_class ='tier') if sent.speaker: _transcript.person_code_map['person')].add(sent.speaker) if sent.tier == 'Transcriber (Comment)': # ignore all Transcriber comment continue if sent.tsduration < 0: _transcript.person_warnings[_person_name].add('Negative utterances ({:.2f})'.format(sent.tsduration)) tsduration = 0 if sent.text.strip() == '': warn_text = "Blank: {} [{} -- {}]".format(_person_name, sec2ts(sent.tsfrom), sec2ts(sent.tsto)) _transcript.person_warnings[_person_name].add(warn_text) if sent.tier_class in ('Utterance', 'Comment'): if _person_name and sent.tsduration: _transcript.person_duration[_person_name] += tsduration _transcript.person_utterances[_person_name].append(sent) if sent.language in ('', '#!#?'): warn_text = "language???: {} [{} -- {}] {}".format(_person_name, sec2ts(sent.tsfrom), sec2ts(sent.tsto), sent.text) _transcript.person_warnings[_person_name].add(warn_text) txt = sent.text.strip() _transcript.sents.append(txt) _tks = [x.strip() for x in txt.split()] _transcript.tokens.update(_tks) _transcript.words.update(_tks) elif sent.tier_class == 'Language': lng = sent.text.strip() _transcript.tokens.update((lng,)) _transcript.languages.update((lng,)) _transcript.language_duration[lng] += tsduration if _person_name: _transcript.person_languages[_person_name][lng] += tsduration else: _transcript.tokens.update(_tks) _transcript.others.update(_tks) return _transcript
def build_utterances_json(elanplus): ''' Extract all utterances from an Bela1 object, join them by tier_class "Utterance" and then return a JSON-ready dictionary ''' sents = [] for us in elanplus.csw.join_utterances(tier_class="Utterance"): utterances = [] for u in us: utterances.append({k: v for k, v in u.to_dict().items() if v != ""}) sents.append(utterances) return sents